The "Secret Circle" series follows 16-year-old Cassie, who moves from California to live with her mom in New Salem and falls in love with a mysterious boy named Adam. But, when she enrolls in high school there, she realizes that he, she and all the other elite students at the school are witches! She befriends their leader, Diana, but soon discovers that Adam and Diana are dating, which leads to a whole bunch of complicated drama.
The Secret Circle serial online subtitrat
Aceasta serie este o noua ecranizare dupa romanele celebrei scriitoare LJ Smith. Cassie este o tanara timida in varsta de 16 ani ce se intoarce in orasul New Salem impreuna cu mama ei. Inainte de a pleca, ea il vede pe Adam, un tanar fermecator de care se indragosteste, si pe care credea ca nu il va mai vedea niciodata. Insa soarta il scoate in cale tocmai la noul ei liceu. Aici viata pentru ea nu va fi usoara. Le va cunoaste pe Diana, o fata simpatica care va deveni prietena ei cea mai buna, si pe Faye, o fata extrem de rea ce ii place sa ii faca rau lui Cassie si vrea sa o transforme pe Diana in marioneta ei. De asemenea, Adam este iubitul Dianiei, ceea ce o opreste pe Cassie sa se apropie de el, dar nu sa isi poata opri sentimentele ce le nutreste. O alta descoperire facuta de Cassie este ca fetele de la liceu sunt vrajitoare, afland ca si ea este una dintre ele. Acum toate lucrurile se vor modifica, si va trebui sa isi schimbe comportamentul ei retras pentru a putea supravietui tuturor lucrurilor noi care i se intampla.
The "Secret Circle" series follows 16-year-old Cassie, who moves from California to live with her mom in New Salem and falls in love with a mysterious boy named Adam. But, when she enrolls in high school there, she realizes that he, she and all the other elite students at the school are witches! She befriends their leader, Diana, but soon discovers that Adam and Diana are dating, which leads to a whole bunch of complicated drama.
The "Secret Circle" series follows 16-year-old Cassie, who moves from California to live with her mom in New Salem and falls in love with a mysterious boy named Adam. But, when she enrolls in high school there, she realizes that he, she and all the other elite students at the school are witches! She befriends their leader, Diana, but soon discovers that Adam and Diana are dating, which leads to a whole bunch of complicated drama.
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